Saturday 23 January 2010

Pumpkin jam

Moving to Frangy  allowed my eldest son to fulfill his fantasy of growing pumpkins. A few seedlings soon multiplied into a pumpkin patch that threatened to take over not just a good part of the garden, but engulf the driveway and even obscure the view of our ground floor bedroom as vines climbed up the wall. Needless to say, I have had to cook all the pumpkins I couldn't give away. I've made pumpkin everything, from every ethnic group possible, from Italian tortelloni to Indian dals. Which eventually meant canning or experimenting with jam making, a VERY new experience for me. After a few not-so wonderful recipes, I've adapted the first one I tried and actually came up with something yummy. I even gave out jars of pumpkin jam to friends & family (including the mother-in-law, so it must be good!).

TIP: When canning, place spices in the last jar for extra flavorful jam.

1 kilo pumpkin
150 ml  water
375g jam sugar
50ml kirsch, schnapps or rum

fresh vanilla
fresh ginger
6-8 empty jam jars

Cube pumpkin, peel an almond size of ginger. Slice vanilla pod & break cinnamonstick to release flavor.
Bring water, sugar & alcohol to boil. Maintain boiling for about 3 minutes, until all the sugar is dissolved.
Add pumpkin, ginger, cinnamonstick & vanilla. Turn heat down and let simmer about 20 minutes, stirring regularly.
 Prepare jam jars by placing them in a bassin or large pot and pouring boiling water around them. Keep them heated.
When mixture begins to thicken, check consistency by placing a few drops on a plate. If it gels quickly, the jam is ready for canning.
Pour jam mixture into jars, keeping them slanted to avoid airpockets. Overfill, then screw lid on tightly. Place upside down, checking for air bubbles, until cooled.

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